Super Size Me Film Worksheet

Embark on an eye-opening journey with the Super Size Me Film Worksheet, a comprehensive guide to Morgan Spurlock’s groundbreaking documentary. This worksheet delves into the film’s exploration of the fast food industry’s practices and their profound impact on public health, offering a thought-provoking analysis of the physical, mental, and ethical implications of excessive fast food consumption.


Super size me film worksheet

The 2004 documentary “Super Size Me” chronicles filmmaker Morgan Spurlock’s experiment to consume nothing but McDonald’s food for 30 days. Spurlock aimed to highlight the negative health effects of the fast-food industry’s practices, particularly the promotion of oversized portions and unhealthy ingredients.

The film gained significant attention for its stark depiction of the physical and emotional toll that fast-food consumption can take. It sparked a national conversation about the need for healthier food options and the importance of informed eating habits.

Morgan Spurlock’s Experiment

In the documentary film “Super Size Me,” Morgan Spurlock embarked on a 30-day experiment to consume only McDonald’s food, including super-sized meals and drinks whenever available.

Spurlock’s experiment had several rules and limitations:


  • Spurlock could only eat food from McDonald’s, including super-sized meals and drinks whenever offered.
  • He had to consume at least 5,000 calories per day, the average caloric intake of an American male.
  • He had to walk at least two miles per day to simulate the average American’s level of physical activity.


  • Spurlock’s experiment was self-conducted, and his results may not be generalizable to the entire population.
  • He did not control for other factors that could have influenced his health, such as his genetic predispositions or stress levels.
  • The experiment’s duration was limited to 30 days, which may not be long enough to observe the full range of potential health effects.

Physical and Mental Health Impacts

Morgan Spurlock’s experiment had severe physical and mental consequences on his health. These impacts serve as a stark reminder of the dangers of consuming excessive amounts of fast food.

Physical Health Impacts

Physically, Spurlock experienced a significant increase in weight, cholesterol levels, and liver damage. His weight gain of 24.5 pounds in 30 days was accompanied by a rise in his body mass index (BMI) from 27.2 to 32.3, putting him in the obese category.

Additionally, his cholesterol levels skyrocketed, with his total cholesterol increasing from 170 to 233 mg/dL, and his LDL (“bad”) cholesterol rising from 103 to 165 mg/dL. Furthermore, his liver showed signs of damage, with elevated levels of liver enzymes.

Mental Health Impacts

Mentally, Spurlock struggled with depression, mood swings, and cravings. He reported feeling depressed and irritable throughout the experiment, and he experienced frequent mood swings. Additionally, he developed intense cravings for fast food, which he found difficult to resist.

Food Industry Practices

Super Size Me reveals the alarming practices employed by the fast food industry to maximize profits at the expense of consumer health.

The film highlights the use of unhealthy ingredients, aggressive marketing, and excessive portion sizes to entice customers and drive sales.

Unhealthy Ingredients

  • Processed meats:Fast food chains heavily rely on processed meats like hamburgers, hot dogs, and bacon, which are high in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium.
  • Trans fats:Trans fats, known to increase the risk of heart disease, were commonly found in fried foods and baked goods at the time of the film’s production.
  • Sugar and artificial sweeteners:Sugary drinks and desserts contribute to weight gain and increase the risk of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes.

Aggressive Marketing

  • Targeted advertising:Fast food companies target children and teenagers through advertising campaigns that portray their products as fun, convenient, and desirable.
  • Celebrity endorsements:Celebrities are often used to promote fast food, lending credibility and appeal to the brand.
  • Meal deals and promotions:Fast food chains offer value meals and discounts to entice customers to purchase larger quantities of food.

Excessive Portion Sizes

Super Size Me demonstrates the excessive portion sizes offered by fast food chains. These oversized portions encourage overeating and contribute to weight gain.

Super Size Me Film Worksheet can be an eye-opening resource for understanding the impact of fast food consumption. However, if you’re looking for a more refined cultural experience, I highly recommend checking out london art museum ___ modern . This museum showcases a diverse collection of contemporary art that will stimulate your mind and inspire your creativity.

And once you’ve had your fill of art, you can always return to the Super Size Me Film Worksheet to delve deeper into the complexities of our food system.

Ethical Considerations

Super size me film worksheet

Spurlock’s experiment raises significant ethical concerns regarding the potential harm to his health and the impact on his family.

Physically, Spurlock subjected himself to a severe nutritional deficiency, resulting in adverse effects on his liver, heart, and mental well-being. The extreme weight gain and health complications he experienced could have had long-term consequences, highlighting the potential risks of such extreme dietary experiments.

Impact on Family

Spurlock’s experiment also impacted his family, particularly his wife. The emotional strain and concern for his health weighed heavily on her, and the disruption to their daily routine created challenges. The experiment’s focus on the individual’s health may have inadvertently neglected the potential consequences for those close to him.

Impact on Public Health

Super Size Mesignificantly raised public awareness about the detrimental effects of obesity and unhealthy eating habits. It ignited a national conversation about the importance of nutrition and the role of fast food in the American diet.

Changes in Government Regulations

  • The film prompted the New York City Board of Health to implement a ban on the sale of large sugary drinks in restaurants and other establishments.
  • It influenced the passage of legislation in several states and municipalities aimed at promoting healthier eating options in schools and workplaces.

Industry Practices, Super size me film worksheet

  • Fast food chains began offering healthier menu items, such as salads and grilled options, in response to the film’s criticism.
  • Some restaurants reduced portion sizes and introduced calorie-labeling on their menus.

Alternative Perspectives

Super size me film worksheet

While Super Size Me sparked important conversations about the health implications of fast food consumption, it’s essential to acknowledge alternative perspectives that challenge or complement its findings.

Critics have raised concerns about the film’s methodology, questioning whether Spurlock’s extreme diet accurately reflects the typical fast food consumption patterns of the general population.

Criticisms of the Experiment

  • Limited Sample Size:Spurlock’s experiment involved only one individual, raising questions about its generalizability to a broader population.
  • Unrealistic Diet:Critics argue that Spurlock’s excessive consumption of fast food, often in large portions, is not representative of typical eating habits.
  • Confounding Variables:The experiment did not control for other factors that could have influenced Spurlock’s health outcomes, such as his exercise habits or pre-existing medical conditions.


Super Size Meconcludes with a sobering message about the devastating effects of fast food consumption on our health and well-being. Morgan Spurlock’s experiment serves as a stark reminder of the hidden dangers lurking in the seemingly innocuous meals we consume daily.

The film’s impact has been far-reaching, sparking public awareness and prompting changes in the food industry. Fast food chains have begun to offer healthier options, and consumers are becoming more conscious of their dietary choices.

Call to Action

The film’s legacy is a call to action for viewers to make healthier choices. By choosing nutritious foods, we can reduce our risk of obesity, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses. We must demand more from the food industry, urging them to provide healthier options and to be more transparent about the ingredients they use.

Together, we can create a healthier future for ourselves and for generations to come.

Answers to Common Questions: Super Size Me Film Worksheet

What is the main purpose of the Super Size Me Film Worksheet?

The Super Size Me Film Worksheet is designed to provide a structured framework for analyzing the film’s key themes, including the physical and mental health impacts of fast food consumption, the practices of the fast food industry, and the film’s broader implications for public health.

What are the key takeaways from the Super Size Me Film Worksheet?

The Super Size Me Film Worksheet highlights the detrimental effects of excessive fast food consumption on physical health, such as weight gain, increased cholesterol levels, and liver damage. It also explores the psychological toll, including depression, mood swings, and cravings.

Additionally, the worksheet examines the fast food industry’s use of unhealthy ingredients, aggressive marketing, and oversized portions, raising concerns about ethical considerations and the industry’s impact on public health.

How can the Super Size Me Film Worksheet be used in the classroom?

The Super Size Me Film Worksheet is an excellent resource for educators teaching about nutrition, public health, or media literacy. It can be used to facilitate discussions on the film’s themes, encourage critical thinking about food choices, and promote healthy eating habits.